The Gift a female identifying intergenerational project exploring the wisdom passed down from our ancestors. You can read more about it on the link below.
JTP has worked with The Bowery Mission’s men and women’s transitional housing programs. Journey Theatre continues to do work in various communities. JTP utilizes theatrical conventions to share stories and eventually create theatrical pieces with participants. JTP utilizes playbuilding to explore the experience of external and internal oppression on participants and imagine a way to break them. Through every process, reflection is important. We encourage our participants to not only engage in the moment but to reflect on how what they create can affect their lives on a daily basis.
JTP has been creating in person and currently online events that bring women from different sectors and walks of life together to explore a theme. These events are part socializing and part embodied dialogue around issues important to us and our growing cohort of women.
JTP facilitates professional developments within educational settings through process dramas, playbuilding, and other theatrical conventions. Our work supports, students, educators and administrators.
Reach out for more information and if you want to set up a community event with us!