Necessary Conversation Series

The Journey Theatre Project offers a series of workshops to begin the process of learning about racism and how to dismantle it in yourself and your organization.

Necessary Conversations is a three part series: 

Implicit Bias, Systemic Racism and Dress Rehearsal for Change

Each session includes data, definitions and historical context so participants can begin to understand how race and white supremacy has played a foundational role in our culture and institutions for hundreds of years. What sets our workshops apart is the use of applied theatre tools centered on participants' experiences and reflections. Every workshop offers multiple opportunities for participants to reflect on their own experience and learn through conversation with each other. Creative prompts and exercises encourage participants to engage with difficult concepts fully, using their imagination, bodies and voices.


Level 1: $3,000

Necessary Conversations: 3 Part Workshops

Implicit Bias 2 hours

Systemic Racism 2 hours

Dress Rehearsal for Change 2.5 hours

level 2: $7,800

Pre-workshop consulting and assessment (4 hrs)

Necessary Conversations: 3 Part Workshops

Implicit Bias 2 hours, Systemic Racism 2 hours, Dress Rehearsal for Change 2.5 hours.

Affinity Group Set-Up & Facilitation (8 hrs)


level 3: $15,000

Pre-workshop consulting and assessment (4 hrs)

Necessary Conversations: 3 Part Workshops. Implicit Bias 2 hours, Systemic Racism 2 hours, Dress Rehearsal for Change 2.5 hours.

Affinity Group Set-Up & Facilitation (8 hrs)

Consulting (18hrs)


Work With Us

Email us to set up your first free 30 minute consultation and to receive our full package details.