The Journey Theatre Project offers a series of workshops to begin the process of learning about racism and how to dismantle it in yourself and your organization.
Race and You: Courageous Conversations, is a three part series: Implicit Bias, Systemic Racism and How To Have Courageous Conversations
Each session includes data, definitions and historical context so participants can begin to understand how race and white supremacy has played a foundational role in our culture and institutions for hundreds of years. What sets our workshops apart is the use of applied theatre tools centered on participants' experiences and reflections. Every workshop offers multiple opportunities for participants to reflect on their own experience and learn through conversation with each other. Creative prompts and exercises encourage participants to engage with difficult concepts fully, using their imagination, bodies and voices.
This session focuses on where implicit bias comes from and how it effects the lives of everyone.
We explore how to disentangle implicit bias from actions and values that have negative impacts on communities and people of color.
This session defines systemic racism and connects it to community norms and interpersonal relationships. Participants are asked to identify and reflect on how systems and communities have marginalized and oppressed people, specifically Black and Brown folks.
This session prepares participants to have open and brave conversations with folks in all corners of their lives. We offer tools and best practices and ample time to engage with facilitators and each other.